DRY NEEDLING COURSE; LEVEL 2; Belfast, Northern Ireland


22 Nov 2016 - 24 Nov 2016    
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Bookings closed


PEC Centre, University
Botanic Park, Belfast BT9 5EX, Royaume-Uni, Belfast


Craig Smith

Short Description

CPD Points

21 CPD hours on certificate
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DRY NEEDLING COURSE; LEVEL 2; Belfast, Northern Ireland; 22-24 November 2016

Course times : day 1; 1pm – 7pm; days 2-3; 9am – 5pm


More Info

Why Dry Needling?

The Dry Needling Level 2 (DN2) course takes you to the next level in your journey using Dry Needling in your clinical practice and towards certifying as a dry needling practitioner.

Day 1 of the DN2 course provides a full theoretical and practical review of the basic DN info and techniques learned on the DN1 course. You will be assessed practically and have to demonstrate your DN skills as part of your certification as a DN practitioner.

Day 2 completed all the muscles not covered in day 1 for example; the ahds and feet, the abdomen, the head, neck and face, the deep groin and the thorax.

On day 3, we move into the clinical realm of dry needling incorporating your existing skills into treating more specific conditions by discussing patient presentation, differential diagnosis, pathology & treatment protocols for common conditions treated with dry needling.

You will learn by listening, discussing, practicing and dealing with specific clinical conditions like rotator cuff, cervical and sciatic neuropathies, groin and pelvic pain, tendinopathies, sports injuries, tennis elbow, pririformis, headaches and migraines, needling chronic conditions and combination treatments and more.

You will learn efficiency, ie how to use less needles & spend less time, how to needle chronic, advanced & complex areas like the face and TMJ, the deep neck and cranium, the pelvis and deep groin area, the chest, axilla, abdominals, deep muscle needling, aggressive needling for chronic muscle tears and other advanced needling protocols.

Pre-requisite for booking and attending the Level 2 DN course:
You must have completed the DN1 course (or an equivalent 3 day introductory dry needling course) and have be practicing DN in your clinical practice for a minimum of 3-6 months.

For more information about Dry Needling, click here.

A Club Physio Dry Needling Courses registration includes:

• All supplies needed for the course as needles, tissues
• Coloured and illustrated course manual
• Tea and Coffee on each day
• Certificate of attendance in a digital form
• One free premium listing of your practice on our website

Please note:

Dry Needling courses are for healthcare therapists / professionals (clinical physiotherapists (PT’s), chiropractors (DC’s), osteopaths (DO’s), podiatrists, soft tissue and manual therapists, kinesiologists, doctors, nurses, medical specialists and acupuncturists) for whom dry needling is within your scope of practice and you are legally permitted to needle in your registered country / state. No minimum dry needling or previous acupuncture experience required but presumed anatomy, advanced palpation skills and clinical expertise is expected due to the advanced nature and in depth structure of our DN courses. Professional indemnity insurance as per your professional body is also a pre-requisite.
Some sports / rehab / massage therapists can apply subject to scope of practice with your professional organization, theoretical and practical experience and having professional indemnity insurance.
If you are not sure whether DN falls within your scope of practice, ask your professional organization or you can email us here. 


Course Times

View the course times:

  • day 1; 1pm – 7pm; days 2-3; 9am – 5pm



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Bookings are closed for this event.

Please Note

Select your prefered Payment method on the DropDown above, and Press on "Book & pay". To book for this course via bank transfer using your South African, UK or USA bank account, Select on the "EFT/Bank Transfer (Pay Offline)" option, then you MUST email through a payment proof to craig@club-physio.net once your payment has been made to approve your course booking.

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