‘HOT TOPICS’ INTERNATIONAL – LUMBO-PELVIC SPORTS INJURIES E-CON – via zoom meeting; Live streaming on the 9th June 2024 – Accredited for 8 CPD points / hours on certificate.
Course times; Live stream time; 8AM – 4.30PM SOUTH AFRICAN TIMES; please check your own local times.
‘HOT TOPICS’ – LUMBO-PELVIC SPORTS INJURIES E-CON JUNE 2024 – via zoom meeting; Live stream 9th June 2024.
1. Steve Goldstein (Aussie); Psoas – the Connector. – The Psoas and sports performance have an intricate and super relevant relationship. We will examine what various research studies have to say about Psoas flexibility, stretching and gravity based exercises in this presentation.
2. Megyn Robertson (SA). Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome – Calf pain when running? Is it a calf tear or perhaps claudication? Or could it be PAES? Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome (PAES) is a rare vascular disease that affects the legs of some athletes. Let’s explore 2 case studies.
3. Janine Gray (SA). Stress fractures in young athletes – is it back treatment as normal? – Despite there being a substantial amount of research on this topic – stress fractures remain a pathology that is poorly diagnosed and managed. There is no consensus on the period of rest, when to start rehabilitation and what rehabilitation should look like. This talk will briefly describe the injury incidence and potential risk factors; the role of screening in this pathology and some key focus points for the rehabilitation and return to play of these athletes.
4. Sam Nupen (SA). Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome – A Pain in the Butt . Greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS) affects an athlete’s sporting performance, sleep, mobility, and quality of life. Samantha Nupen delves into the cluster of signs and symptoms with clear contributing factors that aid diagnosis of this often-debilitating condition and discusses valuable management strategies.
5. Karine Bezuidenhout (SA). Piriformis Syndrome, Fact or Fiction? – A Functional look at Piriformis. Integrating our knowledge of fascia, lymph, functional neurology and the central nervous system, in restoring function after Piriformis injuries.
6. Corlia Brandt (SA); Pelvic floor dysfunction and the female athlete: the hidden truth – This presentation will be a practical approach to understand and apply knowledge of pelvic floor dysfunction in this population. It will include reference to the underlying mechanisms, assessment and management approaches and will be demonstrated by means of case studies.
7. Andrew Gray (SA); Rehab strategies for return to sport in lower back injuries. . The aim of the talk is to identify strategies and approaches to ensure a successful integration back into sport for the injured athlete. This includes the consolidation of sporting skill, rehabilitation and sport specific training.
8. Dr Nick Kruger (SA). The Sportsman with lower back pain – my approach and management. This presentation will discuss the orthopedic approach to non-specific LBP, stress fractures, disc prolapse and spondylolisthesis.
9. Inga Croy (SA). The Approach to Hip and Groin Assessments in Athletes – A functional approach to finding the source of pain. As health care practitioners, the importance of accurate diagnosis is crucial to a clear treatment plan and prognosis for our clients/athletes. The aim of the presentation is to improve our clinical reasoning for Hip and Groin assessments, differentiating between articular and extra articular structures including the use of the Doha groin classification.
Join 9 eminent speakers and sports physio experts from across different sporting codes and from around the globe for an awesome day of sports physio and sports injuries presentations.
How To Book This Course:
• Step 1: Create an account; register your details here or click on the ‘My Profile’ button on the top menu: we need your details in order to reserve your seat and email you the preliminary materials for the course – ps; please note that registering your details does not book you onto the course – you need to follow step 2 below.
• Step 2: Book your place; Once you have registered your details, come back to this DN webpage to submit your booking below and choose your payment method; to book, click on the Submit button below.
• Step 3: Choose and make your payment method below; Payment by Bank Transfer: If you wish to pay via a bank transfer, simply follow the payment details on the proforma invoice that has been emailed to you now that you have made your booking. Payment by PayPal or Credit Card: Click the “Buy Now” Paypal button above to pay via PayPal or Credit Card. You are now booked and will receive a confirmation email shortly!
Course times; Live stream time; 8AM – 5PM SOUTH AFRICAN TIMES; please check your own local times
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