THE BREATHWORK COURSE – Tools to treat thoracic pain and dysfunction with Karine Bezuidenhout – via zoom meeting – Live streaming on 29th September 2024.
Course times; Live stream times both days; 8am – 11am; South Africa time; please check your own local times
The Breathwork Course – How adequate breathing rehab can help our thoracic patients.
The breathwork online course will explore the breathing mechanics, anatomy and physiology of the thorax and how improving our patients Breathwork can be incorporated into our treatment and rehab protocols for post-surgical patients, cardio-pulmonary conditions, thoracic injuries and more to serve in the better management of patients.
o We will revise the extensive anatomy of the lungs and thorax and all the relevant muscular, spinal, neural and fascial structures that influence / facilitate Breathing.
o We will revise the physiology of breathwork and it’s role with the CNS towards maintaining adequate vascular oxygenation and healing.
o We will explore efficient breathing mechanics and principles of upregulating and downregulating these to effect the CNS.
o We will touch on various thoracic conditions that can benefit from treating and rehabbing our patients using breathwork and functional thoracic mobilisation.
Take home message
Breathwork is an automatic tool in our own lives yet often overlooked due to the automatic nature of breathing. However, in patients with thoracic pathologies, by using breathwork we can help them to improve their own breathing techniques and oxygenation to help them adapt and recover from their ailments.
In this 3 hour online course we empower ourselves as physios to use it as a tool to facilitate our patients healing and recovery and their return to full thoracic function.
Part 1
movement and awareness of breath;
Revise anatomy and physiology;
1 x breathing exercise;
diaphragmatic breathing;
Breathwork and CNS theory.
Part 2
1 x upregulation exercise: physiological sigh;
Conditions that benefit from including breathwork in the treatment;
1 x downregulation exercise: 8’ exhale.
Part 3
case studies;
upregulation practice;
downregulation practice.
How To Book This Course:
• Step 1: Create an account; register your details here or click on the ‘My Profile’ button on the top menu: we need your details in order to reserve your seat and email you the preliminary materials for the course – ps; please note that registering your details does not book you onto the course – you need to follow step 2 below.
• Step 2: Book your place; Once you have registered your details, come back to this DN webpage to submit your booking below and choose your payment method; to book, click on the Submit button below.
• Step 3: Choose and make your payment method below; Payment by Bank Transfer: If you wish to pay via a bank transfer, simply follow the payment details on the proforma invoice that has been emailed to you now that you have made your booking. Payment by PayPal or Credit Card: Click the “Buy Now” Paypal button above to pay via PayPal or Credit Card. You are now booked and will receive a confirmation email shortly!
Live stream time 29th Sep 2024; 8am – 11am; South Africa time; please check your own local times
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Please Note
Select your prefered Payment method on the DropDown above, and Press on "Book & pay". To book for this course via bank transfer using your South African, UK or USA bank account, Select on the "EFT/Bank Transfer (Pay Offline)" option, then you MUST email through a payment proof to once your payment has been made to approve your course booking.
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