THE LYMPH THERAPY COURSE – Johannesburg; 01-03 June 2018 – With Dr Raymond Perrin
Course times : 1pm – 8pm on day 1 & 9am-5pm on days 2&3
The Lymph Therapy course with award winning Osteopath Dr Raymond Perrin.
Manchester based osteopath and neuroscientist Dr Raymond Perrin DO PhD won the Research and Practice Award given by the Institute of Osteopathy in their first ever national awards ceremony held at their Annual convention in Egham, Surrey, Nov 2016. Dr Perrin was the recipient of the award given for his 26 years research into the physical diagnosis and treatment of CFS/ME and fibromyalgia which is now the subject of a new NHS research trial at Wrightington Hospital in Cheshire.
Ever since Aselli first documented the lymphatic system nearly 400 years ago there has been one basic consistency within the medical world whether orthodox or complementary regarding this incredibly important part of the human anatomy and physiology which is involved in every pathology to affect our health and that is Ignorance.
The ignorance is not usually the fault of the practitioner; it is the educational system that lays much more emphasis on the other important systems of the body for example the cardiovascular-respiratory, gastro-intestinal and in physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic and other manual therapies it is the neuro-muscular skeletal systems. However healthy lymphatics are paramount in all these systems and we as healthcare need to go back to the roots of osteopathy as its founder Andre Taylor Still said over a hundred years ago – “illness is mainly due to stagnation of body fluids and that if you can stimulate blood flow and other fluid motion including cerebro-spinal fluid and lymphatic drainage then the body will recover”
Stagnation in the lymph results in “fermentation, fever, sickness and death.”
When asked about the “eternal truths” of manual therapies, he responded, “[Those truths] are found in the spinal column with all of its intricate bony framework, plus the beautiful circulation of blood and lymph through the nerve centers of the spinal cord and throughout the whole body.”
The father of cranial treatment William Garner Sutherland said – “When you tap the waters of the brain by compressing the fourth ventricle see what happens in the lymphatic system. Visualise the lymph node that is holding some poison that has gathered there, changing the constituency before the lymph is moved along into the venous system”
Still admitted, “Possibly less is known of the lymphatics than any other division of the life-sustaining machinery of man.”
Do not be ignorant any more: Learn the techniques of physical therapy pioneers such as Millard, Barber, Miller, Millie, Zinc, Sutherland and even Still himself as well as understanding seminal lymphatic techniques of manual lymphatic luminaries such as Emile and Astrid Vodder as well as discussing up do date manual lymphatic drainage Bruno Chicky.
With practical technique sessions on examining the lymphatic system, diagnosing lymph pathologies and rediscovering pedal, thoracic, abdominal pump techniques and so much more including the award winning and ground breaking Perrin Technique developed by Dr Raymond Perrin himself designed to drain the recently proven neuro-lymphatic (glymphatic) system.
This course is a must for any medical practitioner and all physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors and manual therapists unless you are happy to leave out diagnostic signs that can save a patient’s life and techniques that can speed up the healing of all your patients and really make a difference.
Day 1: The history of lymphatic discovery
The anatomy of the lymphatic system
The immune system
The Physiology of the lymphatics
Practical session : Surface anatomy
Day 2: Applied Pathology: lymphatic disorders
The neuro-lymphatic system and disorders
Practical Examination in the diagnosis of lymphatic disease.
Day 3: The Manual Treatment of lymphatic disorders: a review of all the main techniques used in the past and present to help the practitioner;
Understand the different methods used around the world from Vodder to Chikly.
With Practical hands on Training on manual lymphatic treatments and the thoracic and abdominal pump and the Perrin Technique.
How To Book This Course:
• Step 1: Create an account; register your details here or click on the ‘Members Area’ button on the top menu: we need your details in order to reserve your seat and email you the preliminary materials for the course – ps; please note that registering your details does not book you onto the course – you need to follow step 2 below.
• Step 2: Book your place; Once you have registered your details, come back to this course webpage to submit your booking below and choose your payment method; to book, click on the Submit button below.
• Step 3: Choose and make your payment method below; Payment by Bank Transfer: If you wish to pay via a bank transfer, simply follow the payment details on the proforma invoice that has been emailed to you now that you have made your booking. Payment by PayPal or Credit Card: Click the “Buy Now” Paypal button above to pay via PayPal or Credit Card. You are now booked and will receive a confirmation email shortly!
View the course times:
1pm – 8pm on day 1 & 9am-5pm on days 2&3
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