
01 Sep 2017 - 02 Sep 2017    
1:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Bookings closed


met golf club
fritz sonnenberg drive, mouille point, Cape Town


Richard O'Hara (UK)

Short Description

CPD Points

16 CPD points applied for
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Important Information

VESTIBULAR REHABILITATION COURSE with Richard O’Hara; Cape Town, 01-02 September 2017

Course times : 1pm to 7pm day one and 9am to 5pm day 2


14 ceus in level 1 and 3 home study applied for in level 2 (complete the course questionnaire and pass with >70% for your extra 3 exam ceus).


Course material


Vestibular Rehabilitation (Dizzyness) Course

Using movement and exercise, heamthcare practitioners (such physios, bios, chiros, osteos, audiologists and ENT specialists) can effectively treat common causes of dizziness. This intense two day course covers the essentials of physiotherapy vestibular assessment and treatment. A strong emphasis is placed on differential diagnosis, clinical reasoning and treatment selection. Delegates will be taught to identify signs and symptoms that indicate central/sinister pathology. The vestibular rehabilitation techniques included in the course have a strong evidence base.

The course is suitable for health practitioners with no experience of dizzy patients or those wishing to consolidate existing skills.

Aims – By the end of the course delegates should be able to:

• Understand basic vestibular anatomy and physiology (semicircular canal orientation+function and the vestibulo-ocular reflex in particular)
• Have an overview of the main vestibular pathologies
• Take a relevant subjective history including vestibular special questions
• Carry out a clinical oculomotor examination
• Clinically assess the VOR (dynamic visual acuity, infrared video analysis and head thrust test)
• Clinically evaluate different types of nystagmus (central vs peripheral)
• Carry out an appropriate outcome-based assessment of balance
• Do positional testing for BPPV, interpret findings and treat using the appropriate manoeuvre (Epley, Simont and Horizontal canal)
• Devise, evaluate and progress a patient-specific exercise-based rehabilitation programme


How to book for this course?

How To Book This Course:

• Step 1: Create an account; register your details here or click on the ‘Members Area’ button on the top menu: we need your details in order to reserve your seat and email you the preliminary materials for the course – ps; please note that registering your details does not book you onto the course – you need to follow step 2 below.

• Step 2: Book your place; Once you have registered your details, come back to this course webpage to submit your booking below and choose your payment method; to book, click on the Submit button below.

• Step 3: Choose and make your payment method below; Payment by Bank Transfer: If you wish to pay via a bank transfer, simply follow the payment details on the proforma invoice that has been emailed to you now that you have made your booking. Payment by PayPal or Credit Card: Click the “Buy Now” Paypal button above to pay via PayPal or Credit Card. You are now booked and will receive a confirmation email shortly!


Course Times

View the course times:

  • 1pm to 7pm day one and 9am to 5pm day 2



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Bookings are closed for this event.

Please Note

Select your prefered Payment method on the DropDown above, and Press on "Book & pay". To book for this course via bank transfer using your South African, UK or USA bank account, Select on the "EFT/Bank Transfer (Pay Offline)" option, then you MUST email through a payment proof to once your payment has been made to approve your course booking.

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