Clinical Kinesiologist
Visceral-Vascular Manipulative Therapist
Part time lecturer (post graduate)
Athletic trainer
Richard is a Clinical Kinesiologist specializing in movement related pain syndromes that occur in sport. He is also an established lecturer and writer. Since 2003 Richard has been working at the highest level of professional tennis, traveling 7-8 months a year on the circuit. His tennis clientele includes 5 former number 1 players, 13 top 10 players, 22 top 20 players. For the majority of 2008 Richard has been based at the National Olympic training center in Beijing China, where he served as the Director of Physical Development for some of the higher profile Chinese Olympic sports teams. In brief, Richard… – has served as the Executive Director of Physical Development to the Peoples Republic of China’s Olympic Federation. During this period China’s Olympic team achieved unparalleled success and international recognition; – has an elite client base made up of some of the world’s foremost athletes and most respected sports federations (China, South Africa, Russia); – is an Internationally educated Clinical Kinesiologist specializing in pain syndromes that are common in sport; – has a unique understanding of movement impediments, which impact on athletic potential; – has a special interest in Visceral Osteopathy and respective influence on high-level sporting performance; – Serves as a part-time postgraduate lecturer at several International and Local Universities; – has over the years has been a regular contributor literature to several health and sporting publications; – offers one of the most detailed and multifaceted athletic facilitation programs in professional sport; – is highly regarded expert in the treatment of insidious chronic pain disorders. for more and to see the full cv, click here |