![]() Qualifications
BSc Physio Area of Expertise
Fascial Manipulation Courses
Fascial Manipulation – level 1 and 2
CURRICULUM VITAE STEFANO CASADEIPERSONAL DETAILS Casadei Stefano Date of birth: 25-02-1984 Address: Via Piemonte 340, Cesena(Fc) Italy PROFILE Physiotherapist and Fascial Manipulation Teacher. TRAINING AND QUALIFICATIONS 2008: Graduate in Physiotherapy at the “Alma Mater Studiorum University” (Bologna – italy); PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2008 – present: Physioterapist (private practice in Cesena, Italy) July 2009 – Oct 1997: Physiotherapist for “Medoc: Sport and Work Medicine Institute” (Italy) Nov 2006 – July 2009: Physiotherapist for “Savignanese soccer team” (Italy) TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2012 Fascial Manipulation, 2nd level, Manual Therapy School (Napoli, Italy) Courses planed in foreign countries for the next year : Brazil, U.S.A, South Africa and Israel. TEACHING ASSISTANT EXPERIENCE 2010 Fascial Manipulation, 1st and 2nd level, Prosperius Institute (Perugia, Italy) RESEARCH AREA Research in the “Phantom limb pain” field : clinical applications/effects of Fascial Manipulation in the treatment of the neuropathic pain. (INAIL – Centro Protesi Vigorso Institute, Bologna-italy) CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS I have been invitated as a speaker in the following national and international conferences: – two days workshop entitled “Introduction to the Fascial Manipulation Technique” as part of a multi disciplinary conference sponsored by the Manual therapy School in Naples (italy). PUBLICATIONS “Fascial Manipulation : approach to the Lowback Pain “ (Chapter of the open access book “Multidisciplinary approach to Low back Pain, Intech publisher – (waiting to be published) MEMBERSHIP |