Dr Ruth Jones is an internationally leading expert on pelvic dysfunction in both females and males


Dr Ruth Jones is a Chartered Physiotherapist, clinician, researcher, lecturer and writer with over 30 years experience. She works clinically and consults to elite sports bodies and athletes including the Football Association and professional teams. Ruth is also a speaker at national and international conferences and workshops related to movement, pelvic floor function and pain.


Along with co-editor Leon Chaitow, Ruth has produced the book Chronic Pelvic Pain and Dysfunction: Practical Physical Medicine, published by Elsevier in 2012.



2003-2009 PhD Southampton University, UK in collaboration with Stanford University, California, USA. Thesis Title: Dynamic Evaluation of Pelvic Floor Muscle Function. Supervisors Prof Maria Stokes PhD, Prof Victor Humphries PhD, Prof Christos Constantinou PhD
1986-1989: BSc/Grad Dip Phys (Distinction) Birmingham University, Queen Elizabeth School Physiotherapy, UK
1981-1983: 3 “A” Levels, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics (B, B, B)
1976-1981 10 “O” Levels

Research Interests
2009-Present Day Supervisor of MSc: The measurement of pelvic floor muscle function during gait (South Africa)
2009-2014 Supervisor of MSc: The Effect of Manual Therapy and Exercise on the Levator Plate in Women with Pelvic Organ Prolapse (Ireland)
2014-Present: External Examiner for PhD The influence of posture and abdominal muscle contraction on the linea alba in postpartum women with a divarication of rectus abdominis muscle (Teeside University, UK)
April 2005 – August 2007 Specialist at Stanford University, evaluating Pelvic Floor Muscle Function using 2D ultrasound, digital and vaginal sensors, NIH-NIBIB grant 1 R21 EB001654 PI Dr Christos Constantinou PhD.

Teaching Experience
External Lecturer 2014-present day Madrid University MSc Programme: Teaching Pelvic Floor Evaluation Using Ultrasound
1995-present day External Lecturer at Southampton University, School of Health Professions & Rehabilitation Sciences, UK: Lecturer for MSc and 2nd and 3rd year BSc physiotherapy, nursing and midwifery students. Developed a 10-week module on the integrative approach to neuro-musculoskeletal medicine. Introduced movement analysis skills and clinical reasoning tools to facilitate ease of choosing rehabilitation “techniques”.
2008-present day External Lecturer at University of Bradford, UK Lecturer for postgraduate Womens Health continence physiotherapists on pelvic pain.
1999-present day Lecturer (Postgraduate) in Pelvic Floor Dysfunction & Musculo-skeletal Pain
Speaker at numerous international workshops and conferences related to continence, pain and physical therapy.
2005-2007 Journal Club and Basic Science Group Urology Dept. Stanford University School of Medicine, California, USA. Weekly lecturing/ discussion group on all aspects of urology and pelvic floor pain
1994-2002 Director Kinetic Control (KC)Ltd
Post Graduate Lecturer on Dynamic Stability and Muscle Balance. Lecturing on the pathogenesis of movement dysfunction, pain and rehabilitation in the UK, Scandinavia, Italy, and Ireland. Kinetic Control provides 30 Masters points at MSc level at Keele University, UK

Key Note Lectures:
Bristol 2015: British Association Sexual Medicine, Royal Society of Medicine: A physiotherapy Perspective on Pelvic Pain
London 2014: British Association Sexual Medicine, Royal Society of Medicine: A physiotherapy Perspective on Male Sexual Dysfunction
London 2012: Football Association Medical Society: Why Footballers are at Risk of Chronic Pelvic Pain and Dysfunction
London 2010: Pelvic Pain Study Day, The National Hospital for Neurosurgery and Neurology, Queen Square.
Cape Town 2009: South African Society of Physiotherapy – International Congress: Dynamic Evaluation of Pelvic Floor Muscle Function
Bournemouth 2009: Margie Polden Memorial Lecture: From Research Lab back to Clinical Practice
Manchester 2008: UK Physiotherapy Research Society: Dynamic Evaluation of Pelvic Floor Muscle Function
Barcelona 2007: 6th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain Diagnosis and Treatment //The Balance between Research and Clinic: Dynamic Evaluation of Pelvic Floor Muscle Function
Sheffield 2007: Chartered Physiotherapists Promoting Continence: Dynamic Evaluation of Pelvic Floor Muscle Function
Vancouver 2007: The Myths and Misconceptions of the Pelvic Floor Muscles
Christchurch New Zealand 2006: International Continence Society Education Committee: Imaging in urinary incontinence and lower urinary tract dysfunction
Key Conference Presentations: 2005-2008
Cairo Egypt 2008: International Continence Society The Effect on the Pelvic Floor Muscles (PFM) and Urethra during a Cough in Continent and Stress Urinary Incontinent (SUI) Women
Cairo Egypt 2008: International Continence Society The Inter-tester Reliability of 2D Ultrasound and Image Processing Methods to Evaluate the Pelvic Floor Muscles (PFM) and Urethra During a Cough in Continent and Stress Urinary Incontinent (SUI) Women
Christchurch New Zealand 2006 International Continence Society 2D Ultrasound Evaluation of Dynamic Responses of Female Pelvic Floor Muscles (PFM) to a Cough
Christchurch New Zealand 2006 International Continence Society 2D Ultrasound Imaging and Motion Tracking of Pelvic Floor Muscle (PFM) Activity During Abdominal Manoeuvres in SUI Women
London, Birmingham, Manchester, Southampton 2006. The Myths and Misconceptions of the Pelvic Floor Muscles
NVMT Holland 2006 The Evaluation of Female PFM Function by 2D Ultrasound: the clinical implications for rehabilitation in sports and musculoskeletal patients
Holland 2005/6: The Back Detective: Understanding Movement and Function
Nottingham 2005: Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Womens Health: Pelvic Floor Muscle Imaging in Physiotherapy
ICS Montreal 2005 2D Ultrasound Image Processing in Identifying the Response of Urogenic Structures to Voluntary and Reflex PFM Contractions

Publications Leon Chaitow & Ruth Lovegrove Jones (2012): Chronic Pelvic Pain and Dysfunction: Practical Physical Medicine. Elsevier
Lovegrove Jones RC, Peng Q, Stokes M, Humphrey VF, Payne C, & Constantinou CE (2010) Mechanisms of Pelvic Floor Muscle Function and the Effect on the Urethra during a Cough. European Urology
Shishido K, Peng Q, Jones R, Omata S, & Constantinou CE (2008). Influence of pelvic floor muscle contraction on the profile of vaginal closure pressure in continent and stress urinary incontinent women. Journal of Urology 179,1917-1922.
Rahmanian S, Jones R, Peng Q, & Constantinou CE (2008). Visualization of biomechanical properties of female pelvic floor function using video motion tracking of ultrasound imaging. Studies in Health Technology & Informatics 132, 390-395

Peng Q, Jones R, Shishido K, Omata S, & Constantinou CE (2007). Spatial distribution of vaginal closure pressures of continent and stress urinary incontinent women. Physiological Measurement 28, 1429-1450

Peng Q, Jones R, Shishido K, & Constantinou CE (2007). Ultrasound evaluation of dynamic responses of female pelvic floor muscles. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 33(3) 342-352.
Peng Q, Jones RC, & Constantinou CE (2006). 2D Ultrasound image processing in identifying responses of urogenital structures to pelvic floor muscle activity. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 34, 477-493.
Lovegrove Jones RC, Peng Q, Stokes M, Humphrey VF, & Constantinou CE (2008). The Effect on the Pelvic Floor Muscles and Urethra during a Cough in Continent and Stress Urinary Incontinent Women. Neurourology & Urodynamics.
Lovegrove Jones RC, Peng Q, Stokes M, Humphreys VF, & Constantinou CE (2008). The Inter-tester Reliability of 2D Ultrasound and Image Processing Methods to Evaluate the Pelvic Floor Muscles and Urethra During a Cough in Continent and Stress Urinary Incontinent Women. Neurourology & Urodynamics.
Jones RC, Peng Q, Constantinou C. (2006) 2D Ultrasound Evaluation of Dynamic Responses of Female Pelvic Floor Muscles (PFM) to a Cough. Neurourology & Urodynamics.
Jones RC, Peng Q, Constantinou C. (2006) 2D Ultrasound Imaging and Motion Tracking of Pelvic Floor Muscle (PFM) Activity During Abdominal Manoeuvres in Stress Urinary Incontinent (SUI) Women Neurourology & Urodynamics.
Jones RC (2007). Pelvic Floor Stability and Trunk Muscle Co-Activation. In Therapeutic Management of Incontinence and Pelvic Pain, eds. Haslam J & Laycock J.
Jones RC (2007). Ultrasound. In Therapeutic Management of Incontinence and Pelvic Pain, eds. Haslam J & Laycock J.

Clinical Experience 2008-Present Day: Specialist Physiotherapist
Specialist Pain and movement consultant. Treating and managing movement dysfunction and pain including pelvic floor disorders. Also responsible for educating other team members on movement dysfunction and complicated patients. Holding private consultations and evening/ weekend workshops, with the aim of educating the “lay person” on pain physiology, the pathogenesis of injury and injury prevention and pelvic floor disorders.
2008- Present Day: Consultant for Elite sports teams (part time) and individuals, including Premier Football/ Rugby and Olympic teams.
1991-2006: Founder/Director /Practitioner RJ Manipulative Physiotherapy & Sports Medicine Clinic Ltd
This was a multi-disciplinary clinic within a major Health club (initially Hampshire Tennis and Health Club, now Virgin Active) that employed administrative staff, physiotherapists, orthopaedic consultants, an anaesthetist, homeopathic physicians, psychotherapists, acupuncturists, and a variety of massage therapists. Worked closely within the healthclub Clients were a combination of self-referred; Consultant and GP referred patients, and included contracts with Southampton University Health Care Trust. A variety of conditions were rehabilitated, predominately chronic and acute pain, also pelvic floor disorders. The clinic was also responsible for the management of Olympic and other elite athletes. This clinic was sold to Cura Healthcare after relocation to the USA.
Physiotherapist for GBR Challenge, Great Britain’s America’s Cup Team and responsible for injury prevention, management and education.
Specialist Consultant to British Olympic team Canoe Union. Responsible for provision of novel injury prevention programme.
1991-1993: Senior Physiotherapist Winchester health care Trust. (Part Time)
1989-1991: Basic Grade Physiotherapist Southampton University Health Care Trust. (Full Time)